Jalpaiguri: The forest department is going to conduct a rhino and bison census at Gorumara National Park and Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary on February 25-26.
Of the two forests, while bison are found in both, rhinos live only in Gorumara. According to the last census conducted in the forest two years ago, there were 33 rhinos in Gorumara and more than 1,000 bison in the two forests. Since then, while foresters have spotted rhino cubs, two rhinos have died fighting with each other.
The census for both species will be conducted using two methods — total block counting and fixed point counting.
The department has already formed 60 teams for the purpose, with four persons in each team, including representatives from environmental institutions and nature lovers. Twenty kunki (trained) elephants will be used for the census.
“The national park and the sanctuary will remain closed to visitors on February 24-26. We are hopeful that we will find an increased number of rhinos this time in Gorumara,” said Tapas Das, DFO, WL II, Jalpaiguri forest division.
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