Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Tiger entered into a village in Sundarban

Straying tiger tranquillized

Gosaba: A tiger that strayed into the Sudhangshunagar area of Satjelia in the Sunderbans and climbed a keora tree there was tranquillized by forest guards on Friday morning. The tiger is pretty old and its right foreleg injured. The lower left canine tooth of the animal was also found broken.
Earlier, the tiger had killed a cow, a calf and a goat. Half-eaten carcasses of the animals had been found in the village.
After fresh pug marks were spotted in the village most of the villagers spent a sleepless night. The forest department was informed and team with tranqullizers reached the spot. The forest officials found the tiger in a bush adjacent to the village. After it receiving the first tranquillizer dart, the tiger moved towards Luxbagan and climbed a keora tree. It was tranquillized there and taken to Sajnekhali.

Monotosh Chakraborty | Times News Network

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We would like to point that in India there is circular for damage / loss in human animal conflict. There is provision of compensation for loss of domestic animals. But in Indian Sundarban till date no one got the compensation for loss of domestic animals. You have mentioned in the sajelia case.where the tiger killed some cows. It was a celebrated known case and the tiger was trapped . But in huge number of cases tiger strays in to the villages beside the forest ; kills cows etc and goes back to forest. Next day it comes out again and devours the kill. No compensation for loss of domestic animal develops the feeling of enmity to tigers among the villagers who take revenge by poisoning the kill knowing for sure the tiger will return to the kill. The tiger eats the poisoned meet and goes back to forest where it dies which never comes out
Nakul Jana
Sunderban TigerWidow Welfare Society
51A, Lake Place
Kolkata- 700 029,India
Ph- +91 98364 77465